Jump Rope for Heart Campaign

Hello Huskies!
We are excited to kick off the fundraising for Jump Rope for Heart today! Don't forget though Jump Rope is more than a fundraiser, it teaches students EASY life-long habits by encouraging kids to be active, live healthy and track their healthy habits online. A lesson students will value for life! 
E --> Eat vegetables
A --> Active for 1 hour or more
S --> Screens for 2 hours or less
Y --> Yes to water...no to sugary drinks
Please help our students raise money for a fantastic cause and learn more about heart health along the way! Everything is online and easy to access through the following website: http://support.heartandstroke.ca/goto/st_mary
Once you have registered, you can share your fundraising page with family and friends so they can support our campaign and you can win prizes.
For more information check out the parent letter.